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Our Solutions for the Travel Industry

Our solutions

We take on the inherent complexity of the tourism industry, optimising efficiency for our clients.

We generate huge value at every stage of the travel journey, through: enhanced connectivity, standardization, content aggregation and enrichment, go-to-market strategy, and other global services.

Activities and services


We unleash the power of connectivity by aggregating and enhancing content from all main travel sources.

Flights, accomodations, activities and packages – we make them all accessible from both cache and in real time.


At the heart of our technology, comes enhancement. We give our clients, all the intelligence they need – content, pricing and availability data, and bookings are all automated.

Prices &

Global services

A key part of our journey is our services. We provide our clients cross-functional services that address the challenges of the travel industry. This includes Travelsoft Pay, Travelsoft Data, Travelsoft Media and Travelsoft Services, which are tailor-made for our clients.

Our business model

We base our business model on driving our clients' long term growth. More than a software solution, we are a partner in our clients' success.